WEEKLY ENCOURAGER 2010 to 13 November 2022
FREEDOM ENCOURAGER 20 November 2022 onwards into 2024

The full Weekly Encourager and Freedom Encourager archive is available below.  Simply click on the title you wish to read.


6 & 13 OCT Take Hold Of The Word Of God For Mastery Of Your Thoughts (or view online in brochure style here)
22 & 29 SEP God's Revelation Of Eternal Truth Through His SOn The Lord Jesus Christ.... (or view online in brochure style here)
8 & 15 SEP Anchor Your Faith In The Lord Jesus Christ And You Will Never Lose Hope (or view online in brochure style here)
25 AUG & 1 SEP Prevent Your Heart And Mind From Becoming Cold In Its Love To The Lord Jesus Christ... (or view online in brochure style here)
11 & 18 AUG "I Greatly Admire Schizophrenics Who Fight Through To Victory" (or view online in brochure style here)
28 JUL & 4 AUG How To Find A Resting Place With God As You Fight To Become Free Of Schizophrenia (or view online in brochure style here)
14 & 21 JUL Prayer Power Breaking Through Schizophrenia's "Gates Of Brass And Bars Of Iron" (or view online in brochure style here)
30 JUN & 7 Jul Never Minimise The Prayers Of Others Helping You Defeat Schizophrenia  (or view online in brochure style here)
16 & 23 JUN Fighting For My Sanity Was A Life-and-Death Struggle by Guest Writer Peter Laue (or view online in brochure style here)
2 & 9 JUN God's Guiding Hand Is Mighty As You Fight Schizophrenia's Untried Way (or view online in brochure style here)
19 & 26 MAY Why The Church Needs A Fresh Touch Of Pentecost To Rescue Christians from Schizophrenia (
or view online in brochure style here)
5 & 12 MAY Praising And Thanking The Lord Jesus Christ For 34 Full Years of Permanent Freedom From the Hell Of Schizophrenia (
or view online in brochure style here)
21 & 28 APR Exercising Faith In God Writes His Laws Into Both Heart And Mind... (or view online in brochure style here)
7 & 14 APR Putting On The Whole Armour Of God Brings Healing And Deliverance Over Schizophrenia Within Your Grasp!
24 & 31 MAR He's Alive, He's Alive, He Is Risen!
10 & 17 MAR
Why The Church Needs A Fresh Touch Of Pentecost To Rescue Christians From Schizophrenia
25 FEB & 3 MAR I Gained A Fuller Appreciation Of The Love Of God When Jesus Christ Rescued Me A Second Time!
11 & 18 FEB A Lifetime Valentine And Deliverance Minister Rolled Into One!
4 FEB Prevent Your Heart And Mind Becoming Cold In Its Love To The Lord Jesus Christ...

21 & 28 JAN The Faith Strategy God Gave Me To Defeat The Destructive Voices Of Schizophrenia
7 & 14 JAN Meeting God Early In 2024 Will Keep Advancing Your Fight To Become Free Of Schizophrenia


24 & 31 DEC Believe In The Lord Jesus Christ - Who Was, And Is, And Is To Come!
10 & 17 DEC The Lord Jesus Christ Only - And His Wondrous Lve - is The Reason For The Christmas Season
26 NOV & 3 DEC What A Transformation When A Schizophrenic Knows God Is Reviving His Heart!

12 & 19 NOV "I Sought The Lord, And He Answered  Me; He Delivered Me From All My Fears"
29 OCT & 5 NOV
The Eternal Message To Believe And Remember Every Single Day For A Transformed Life

15 & 22 OCT How God Arranged A Lasting Love Match Strong Enough To Destroy 26 Years Of Schizophrenia

1 & 8 OCT
Why Does The Church Trust The Psychiatrist More Than The Lord Jesus Christ In Helping Mental Captives?

17 & 24 SEP
God Can Free You Of Schizophrenia And Restore All Your Lost Years

3 & 10 SEP Believe That The Lord Jesus Christ For Ever Lives To Make Intercession In Heaven For You!

20 & 27 AUG Discover The Preciousness Of Faith In Your Pursuit Of Freedom Over Schizophrenia
6 & 13 AUG I Gained A Fuller Appreciation Of The Love of God When Jesus Christ Rescued Me A Second Time!
23 & 30 JULY Assert The Ownership Of The Lord Jesus Christ Over Your Life To Every Demonic Voice
16 JULY "Fighting For My Sanity Was A Life-and-Death Struggle" by Guest Writer Peter Laue

2 & 9 JULY
The Faith Strategy God Inspired To Trust Him Release His Power And Authority To Defeat Schizophrenia Over 33 Years Ago

18 & 25 JUNE Wedding Day Spills Over With Rejoicing

4 & 11 JUNE Know Your Authority In The Lord Jesus Christ Before Expelling The Demon Of Schizophrenia

21 & 28 MAY Why The Church Needs A Fresh Touch Of Pentecost To rescue Christians From Schizophrenia
7 & 14 MAY
Forgiveness is The Primary Weapon For Breaking Bondages Of Darkness

23 & 30 APR The Easter Message To Believe And Remember Every Single Day Of 2023 For A Transformed Life...

9 & 16 APR
He's Alive, He's Alive, He Is Risen!

26 MAR & 2 APR
Exposing The Spriritual Darkness Behind Schizophrenia And How To Penetrate And Overcome Its Madness

12 & 19 MAR
As Easter Approaches We Proclaim To The World - "Jesus Christ Has Secured Eternal Life For Everyone"...

26 FEB & 5 MAR
Trusting In The Lord Jesus Christ With All Your Heart Will Keep Your Sanity And Win Freedom Over Schizophrenia

12 & 19 FEB
A Lifetime Valentine And Deliverance Minister Rolled Into One!

29 JAN & 5 FEB
Boldly Pleading The Blood Of The Lord Jesus Christ Hastens Your Schizophrenia Deliverance

15 & 22 JAN
Meeting God Early In 2023 Will Keep Advancing Your Fight To Become Free Of Schizophrenia

1 & 8 JAN
Jesus Christ Is Your Freedom Out Of Schizophrenia In 2023 Into His Fulness Of Life


Sing to the LORD a new song;  sing to the LORD, all the earth.  Sing to the LORD, praise his name;  proclaim his salvation day after day.  Declare his glory among the nations, his marvellous deeds among all peoples.  For great is the LORD and most worthy of praise;  he is to be feared above all gods.  For all the gods of the nations are idols, but the LORD made the heavens.  Splendour and majesty are before him;  strength and glory are in his sanctuary.  Ascribe to the LORD, O families of nations, ascribe to the LORD glory and strength.  Ascribe to the LORD the glory due to his name;  bring an offering and come into his courts.  Worship the LORD in the splendour of his holiness;  tremble before him, all the earth.  Say among the nations, “The LORD reigns.”   The world is firmly established, it cannot be moved;   he will judge the peoples with equity.  Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad;  let the sea resound, and all that is in it;  let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them.  Then all the trees of the forest will sing for joy;  they will sing before the LORD, for he comes, he comes to judge the earth.  He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples in his truth.


18 & 25 DEC Believe In The Lord Jesus Christ - Who Was, And Is, And Is To Come!
4 & 11 DEC
The Lord Jesus Christ - And His Wondrous Love - Is The Reason For The Christmas Season

20 & 27 NOV
Be Aware When The Powers Of Darkness Are Falling Back

6 & 13 NOV
Prayer Power Breaking Through Schizophrenia's "Gates Of Brass And Bars Of Iron"

30 OCT
Believe That The Lord Jesus Christ For Ever Lives To Make Intercession In Heaven For You

23 OCT
How To Find A Resting Place With God In Prayer As You Fight To Become Free Of Schizophrenia

16 OCT
Take Hold Of The Word Of God For Mastery Of Your Thoughts

Becoming Free Ends All The Grief You Suffered With Schizophrenia

25 SEP & 2 OCT
Jesus Christ Said: "I Am The Way, And The Truth, And The Life" John 14:6

18 SEP
How God Arranged A Lasting Love Match Strong Enough To Destroy 26 Years Of Schizophrenia

11 SEP
Putting On The Whole Armour Of God Brings Healing And Deliverance Over Schizophrenia Within Your Grasp!

I Gained A Fuller Appreciation Of The Love Of God When Jesus Christ Rescued Me A Second Time!

28 AUG
How To Survive When Schizophrenia Threatens To Steal Your Mind

21 AUG Discover The Preciousness Of Faith In Your Pursuit Of Freedom From Schizophrenia
14 AUG Assert The Ownership Of Jesus Christ Over Your Life To Every Demonic Voice
31 JUL & 7 AUG How To Pray Effectually For The Protection And Freeing Of Your Schizophrenia Mind
24 JUL "I Sought The Lord, And He Answered Me; He Delivered Me From All My Fears"
17 JUL
A Strong Devotional Life With Jesus Christ Releases Power To Defeat Schizophrenia
3 & 10 JUL Trusting In The Lord Jesus Christ With All Your Heart Will Keep Your Sanity And Win Freedom Over Schizophrenia
     19 & 26 JUN The Faith Strategy God Gave Me To Defeat The Voices Of Schizophrenia
5 & 12 JUN How Tina Got Through Over 30 Years Of Marriage - And Joyfully Survived - After My Healing Of 26 Years Of Schizophrenia
29 MAY "I Greatly Admire Schizophrenics Who Fight Through To Victory"
15 & 22 MAY 'Delivered And Healed Within Minutes'   Extract from Chapter 9 of Schizophrenia Defeated
1 & 8 MAY I Will Never Forget You. I Have Carved You On The Palms Of My Hands
17 & 24 APR
He's Alive, He's Alive, He Is Risen!
10 APR As Easter Approaches We Proclaim To The World: "Jesus Christ Has Secured Eternal Life For Everyone..."
3 APR Exposing The Spiritual Darkness Behind Schizophrenia And How To Penetrate And Overcome Its Madness
27 MAR The Faith By Which You See Jesus Christ Inspires Hope To Defeat Schizophrenia ...
20 MAR
"Fighting For My Sanity Was A Life-And-Death Struggle" by Guest Writer Peter Laue
13 MAR 'Triumphant Faith' by the late Pastor W. T. H. Richards
Taking On The Light Yoke Of Jesus Christ Helps Defeat The Burden Of Schizophrenia
27 FEB Prayer Power Breaking Through Schizophrenia's "Gates Of Brass And Bars Of Iron"
13 & 20 FEB
Boldly Pleading The Blood Of The Lord Jesus Christ Hastens Your Schizophrenia Deliverance

God Can Free You Of Schizophrenia And Restore All Your Lost Years
30 JAN Why The Church Needs A Fresh Touch Of Pentecost To Rescue Christians From Schizophrenia
23 JAN Prevent Your Heart And Mind Becoming Cold In Its Love to The Lord Jesus Christ ...
16 JAN Meeting God Early In 2022 Will Keep Advancing Your Fight To Become Free Of Schizophrenia
"Lord Jesus Christ - Look To Your Faithfulness And Set Me Free!"
2 JAN The Evil Spirit Of Schizophrenia Must Be Driven Out By You - Or Someone Else ...


19 & 26 DEC The Lord Jesus Christ Only - And His Wondrous Love - Is The Reason For The Christmas Season
12 DEC
Believe In The Lord Jesus Christ - Who Was, And Is, And Is To Come

28 NOV & 5 DEC
How To Survive When Schizophrenia Threatens To Steal Your Mind

21 NOV
Why Does The Church Trust The Psychiatrist More Than The Lord Jesus Christ In Helping Mental Captives?

14 NOV
Exercising Faith In God Writes His Laws Into Both Heart And Mind

Meeting God Early Will Keep Advancing Your Fight To Become Free

24 & 31 OCT
How God Can Use The Affliction Of Schizophrenia To Bring Hope To Others And Glory To His Name ....

10 & 17 OCT
What A Transformation When A Schizophrenic Knows God Is Reviving His Heart!

Faith In Jesus Christ Releasing His Life, Authority And Power To Set You Free

26 SEP
How Fasting Added To Prayer Aids The Breakthrough To Freedom From Schizophrenia

19 SEP
Keep On Exercising Faith When You Do Not Feel The Presence Of God

12 SEP
Praising God Is A Mighty Weapon In Driving Out Schizophrenia

When Enough People Pray Enough Time And Breakthrough With Holy Spirit Power ...

29 AUG
Your Quest For Freedom Increases Each Day As You Advance In the Stronghold Of God's Love

15 & 22 AUG
Forgiveness Is The Primary Weapon For Breaking Bondages Of Darkness

Trusting In The Lord Jesus Christ With All Your Heart Will Keep Your Sanity And Win Freedom Over Schizophrenia

Finding God As Your Refuge And Fortress Equips You To Defeat Schizophrenia

18 & 25 JUL
I Will Never Forget You. I Have Carved You On The Palms Of My Hands

11 JUL
Believe That The Lord Jesus Christ For Ever Lives To Make Intercession In Heaven for YOU!

Never Minimise The Prayers Of Others Helping You Defeat Schizophrenia
27 JUN God's Guiding Hand Is Mighty As You Fight Schizophrenia's Untried Way
20 JUN
The Indwelling Spirit Of Jesus Christ Will Not Allow You To Quit!
     13 JUN Falling In Love With The Lord Jesus Christ Defeats The Madness Of Schizophrenia
"I Sought The Lord and He Answered Me; He Delivered Me From All My Fears"

30 MAY
Fixing Your Eyes On The Lord Jesus Christ - Instead Of Schizophrenia - Results In Total Freedom Over The Bondage
23 MAY Know Your Authority In The Lord Jesus Christ Before Expelling The Demon Of Schizophrenia
16 MAY
The Day You Can't Go On Any Longer, Jesus Christ Provides His Resources And Then Sets You Free!
Why Does It Take So Long For A Christian To Battle Through Schizophrenia On Their Own?

The Power Of God's Love Setting A Schizophrenic Totally Free

25 APR
I Gained A Fuller Appreciation Of The Love Of God When Jesus Christ Rescued Me A Second Time!

18 APR
Persevere In Faith And Prayer When The Load Of Schizophrenia Wearies You

11 APR
The Light Of The Life Of Jesus Christ Is The Strong Deliverer Of Schizophrenia

He's Alive, He's Alive, He Is Risen!

28 MAR
Jesus Christ Died And Rose Again ...

21 MAR
'In Search Of Sanity' by Peter Laue

14 MAR
Praying Thoughts Of Freedom From Your Heart To Release Your Mind

How To Prevent Schizophrenia From Disintegrating Your Personality

28 FEB
The Faith By Which You See Jesus Christ Inspires Hope To Conquer And Love To Endure

21 FEB
When The Lord Jesus Christ Makes You A Promise Expect It To Be Fulfilled

14 FEB
A Lifetime Valentine And Deliverance Minister Rolled Into One

Boldly Pleading The Blood Of Jesus Christ Hastens Your Schizophrenia Deliverance

31 JAN "
This One Thing I Know - Jesu's Love Never Failed Me Yet!"

24 JAN When Enough People Pray Enough Time...
17 JAN
"Delivered And Healed Within Minutes" - Extract From Chapter 9 Of Schizophrenia Defeated

10 JAN
Keep Reminding And Delighting Yourself In 2021 About How Much God Loves You

Meeting God Early Will Keep Advancing Your Fight To Become Free...


20 & 27 DEC The Lord Jesus Christ Only - And His Wondrous Love - Is The Reason For The Christmas Season
13 DEC
Believe In The Lord Jesus Christ - Who Was, And Is, And Is To Come!

Know Your Authority In The Lord Jesus Christ Before Expelling The Demon Of Schizophrenia
29 NOV
Exposing The Spiritual Darkness Behind Schizophrenia And How To Penetrate And Overcome Its Madness!

22 NOV
"Without The Vision From God Of Tina In A Bridal Gown, I Would Have Let Her Go"

15 NOV
Believe That The Lord Jesus Christ Forever Lives To Make Intercession In Heaven For YOU!

Enforce The Victory Of Jesus Christ On Calvary By Prayer Warfare

Exercising Faith In God Writes His Laws Into Both Your Mind And Heart....

25 OCT
"I Greatly Admire Schizophrenics Pressing Through To Complete Freedom..."

18 OCT
Praising God Is A Mighty Weapon In Driving Out Schizophrenia
11 OCT
Meeting God Early Will Keep Advancing Your Fight To Become Free
4 OCT The Day You Can't Go On Any Longer, Jesus Christ Provides His Resources And Then Sets You Free!
27 SEP “The Return” – A National And Global Day Of Prayer from Washington U.S.A. on September 26

20 SEP
"This One Thing I Know - Jesu's Love Never Failed Me Yet!"

13 SEP
How Tina Got Through Nearly 29 Years Of Marriage - And Joyfully Survived - After My Healing Of 26 Years Of Schizophrenia

The Day Schizophrenia Erupted I Fled To The Lord Jesus Christ.....

30 AUG
Anchor Your Faith In The Lord Jesus Christ And You Will Never Lose Hope

23 AUG
The Mind Of The Spirit Overcoming The Schizophrenic Mind

9 & 16 AUG
What A Transformation When A Schizophrenic Knows God Is Reviving His Heart!

When You Are Ready To Say "Lord Jesus Christ, I Believe You Are Able To Do This", Your Triumph Over Schizophrenia Is Assured

Be Determined To Try For Victory Over Schizophrenia At Any Cost

The Indwelling Spirit Of Jesus Christ Will Not Allow You To Quit

The Evil Spirit Of Schizophrenia Must Be Driven Out By You Or Someone Else!

"God Specialises in Things Thought Impossible - Nothing Is Too Hard From Him!"
     28 JUNE Falling In Love With The Lord Jesus Christ Defeats The Madness Of Schizophrenia
21 JUNE "Delivered And Healed Within Minutes" - Chapter 9 of Schizophrenia Defeated
A Personal Message To Those Helping Christian Schizophrenics Into Freedom

Trusting In The Lord Jesus Christ With All Your Heart Will Keep Your Sanity And Win Freedom Over Schizophrenia

31 MAY
Why Does The Church Trust The Psychiatrist More Than The Lord Jesus Christ In Helping Mental Captives?

24 MAY
Prayer Power Breaking Through Schizophrenia's "Gates Of Brass And Bars Of Iron"

17 MAY
Declaring Without A Shadow Of Doubt Why A Christian Is More Equipped Than A Non-Christian In Being Able To Defeat Schizophrenia

10 MAY
I Gained A Fuller Appreciation Of The Love Of God When Jesus Rescued Me For A Second Time

Praising And Thanking The Lord Jesus Christ For 30 Full Years Of Permanent Freedom From The Hell Of Schizophrenia

26 APR "
Fighting For My Sanity Was A Life-and-Death Struggle" by Guest Writer Peter Laue

19  APR
The Power Of God's Love

12 APR
He's Alive! He's Alive! He Is Risen!

"Jesus Christ Has Secured Eternal Life For Everyone And Has Defeated Schizophrenia"

29 MAR
Keep On Exercising Faith When You Do Not Feel The Presence Of God

22 MAR
Faith In Jesus Christ Releasing His Life, Authority And Power To Set You Free

15 MAR
How To Get Refreshing Sleep Instead Of Endless Galloping Thoughts

Assert The Ownership Of Jesus Christ Over Your Life To Every Demonic Voice

I Gained A Fuller Appreciation Of The Love Of God When Jesus Christ Rescued Me A Second Time!

23 FEB
Finding God As Your Refuge And Fortress Equips You To Defeat Schizophrenia

16 FEB
The Faith Strategy God Gave Me To Defeat The Voices Of Schizophrenia

Why Does It Take So Long For A Christian To Battle Through Schizophrenia On Their Own?

"Lord Jesus Christ - Look To Your Faithfulness And Set Me Free!"

26 JAN
How To Survive When Schizophrenia Threatens To Steal Your Mind

19 JAN
God's Guiding Hand Is Mighty As You Fight Schizophrenia's Untried Way

5 & 12 JAN
The Light Of The Life Of Jesus Christ Is The Strong Deliverer Of Schizophrenia


22 & 29 DEC Look Beyond Christmas To The Triumph Of Jesus Christ...
15 DEC
Jesus Only - And His Wondrous Love - Is The Reason For The Season

Finding God As Your Refuge And Fortress Equips You To Defeat Schizophrenia

Believe That The Lord Jesus Christ For Ever Lives To Make Intercession In Heaven For You!

17 & 24 NOV
The Deeper You advance In Prayer With Jesus Christ The Easier It Becomes To Defeat Schizophrenia

10 NOV
Jesus Said "I Am The Way And The Truth And The Life"

The Faith Strategy God Gave Me To Defeat The Voices Of Schizophrenia
27 OCT "
Wedding Day Spills Over With Rejoicing" - Extract of Chapter 10 from Schizophrenia Defeated

20 OCT
When The Nest Of Demons Of Schizophrenia Get The Message You Mean Business In Driving Them Out

13 OCT
"Lord, I'm Going No Further Than Birmingham" - Chapter 6 of Schizophrenia Defeated

The LORD JESUS CHRIST Gives Both Encouragement And Endurance As You Fight Schizophrenia

29 SEP "
Delivered And Healed Within Minutes" - Extract of Chapter 9 From Schizophrenia Defeated

22 SEP
Keep On Exercising Faith When You Do Not Feel The Presence Of God

15 SEP
Never Minimise The Prayers Of Others Helping You Defeat Schizophrenia

A Personal Message To Those Helping Christian Schizophrenics Into Freedom

Fighting For My Sanity Was A Life-And-Death Struggle (by guest writer Peter Laue)

25 AUG
Faith In Jesus Christ Releasing His Life, Authority And Power To Set You Free ...

11 & 18 AUG
Away With The Stigma Of Talking About Having Schizophrenia

Persevere In Faith And Prayer When The Load Of Schizophrenia Wearies You

21 & 28 JULY
Why Does The Church Trust The Psychiatrist More Than The Lord Jesus Christ In Helping Mental Captives?

Hide Yourself Away With God And Receive Strength To Defeat Schizophrenia

Meeting God Early Will Keep Advancing Your Fight To Become Free ...
     30 JUNE "Lord Jesus Christ - Look To Your Faithfulness And Set Me Free"
23 JUNE 
How Fasting Added To Prayer Aids The Breakthrough To Freedom From Schizophrenia

16 JUNE 
How God Can Use The Affliction Of Schizophrenia To Bring Hope To Others

Why The Church Needs A Fresh Touch Of Pentecost To Rescue Christians From Schizophrenia

2 JUNE Defeat The Demon Of Schizophrenia By Becoming Powerful In Prevailing Prayer
26 MAY 
Defeat Schizophrenia By Defeating The Voices

19 MAY 
Know Your Authority In The Lord Jesus Christ Before Expelling The Demon Of Schizophrenia

12 MAY "Delivered And Healed Within Minutes" - Extract From Chapter 9 of Schizophrenia Defeated
5 MAY 
How To Find A Resting Place With God In Prayer As You Fight To Become Free Of Schizophrenia

28 APR 
It Is Ignorance And Fear About The Demonic That Delays Your Freedom From Schizophrenia

21 APR 
He's Alive, He's Alive, He Is Risen!

14 APR 
Celebrate The Risen Life Of Jesus Each Day - Not Just At Easter

7 APR 
As Easter Approaches We Proclaim To The World - "Jesus Christ Has Secured Eternal Life For Everyone..."

31 MAR 
After Deliverance From Schizophrenia, What Next?

24 MAR 
Use The Power Of The Supernatural Weapon Of Prayer With The Authority Of A Faith That Commands As Well As Asks

17 MAR 
Tina Finds It Hard To Cope (Chapter 11 of Schizophrenia Defeated)

10 MAR 
How To Pray Effectively For The Protection And Freeing Of Your Mind

3 MAR 
Jesus Christ Imparts His Divine Light And Truth To Conquer Schizophrenia

24 FEB 
Taking On The Light Yoke Of Jesus Christ Helps Defeat The Burden Of Schizophrenia

17 FEB 
How God Arranged A Lasting Love Match Strong Enough To Destroy 26 Years Of Schizophrenia

10 FEB 
How To Get Refreshing Sleep From The Lord Jesus Christ Instead Of Endless Galloping Thoughts

3 FEB 
The Mind Of The Spirit Overcoming The Schizophrenia Mind

20 & 27 JAN
 Prayer Power Breaking Through Schizophrenia's "Gates Of Brass And Bars Of Iron"

13 JAN 
"LORD JESUS CHRIST, Give Us More Psychiatrists Who Love You And Are Guided By You"

 The Evil Spirit Of Schizophrenia Must Be Driven Out - By You Or Someone Else!


23 & 30 DEC Look Beyond Christmas To The Triumph Of Jesus Christ, God's Son, For You On The Cross At Calvary
16 DEC 
Jesus Only - And His Wondrous Love - Is The Reason For The Season

9 DEC 
"Lord, My Deliverer, I Cry Out To You Again And Again"

2 DEC 
Tell It Out To The World - "Jesus Christ Has Defeated Schizophrenia..."

25 NOV 
Jesus Christ Gives Both Encouragement And Endurance As You Fight To Defeat Schizophrenia

18 NOV 
The Light Of The Life Of Jesus Christ Is The Strong Deliverer Of Schizophrenia

11 NOV "
Fighting For My Sanity Was A Life And Death Struggle" by Peter Laue

28 OCT & 4 NOV 
Esteem Proven Medical Theory But Look Only To Jesus Christ For Your Freedom

21 OCT 
Prayer Power Breaking Through Schizophrenia's "Gates Of Brass And Bars Of Iron"

14 OCT 
Allow God To Free Your Tightly Closed Mind To The Schizophrenia Deliverance

7 OCT 
Away With The Stigma Of Talking About Schizophrenia

30 SEP 
Anchor Your Faith In The Lord Jesus Christ And You Will Never Lose Hope

23 SEP 
The Faith By Which You See Jesus Christ Inspires Hope To Conquer And Love To Endure

16 SEP
 "I Sought The Lord And He Answered Me; He Delivered Me From All My Fears"

9 SEP 
God Can Free You Of Schizophrenia And Restore All Your Lost Years

2 SEP 
Praising God Is A Mighty Weapon In Driving Out Schizophrenia

26 AUG
 The Battle Raged To Destroy Me (Chapter 3 of Schizophrenia Defeated)
19 AUG 
God's Victory Over Schizophrenia Was Purchased On Calvary's Cross For You

12 AUG 
Meeting God Early Will Keep Advancing Your Fight To Become Free Of Schizophrenia

5 AUG 
Jesus Said: "I Am The Way And The Truth And The Life"

29 JUL 
When You Are Ready To Say, "Lord Jesus Christ, I Believe You Are Able To Do This", Your Triumph Over Schizophrenia Is Assured

22 JUL 
The Deeper You Advance In Prayer With Jesus Christ The Easier It Becomes To Defeat Schizophrenia

15 JUL 
When Enough People Pray Enough Time Your Deliverance From Schizophrenia Is Near

"The Battle Belongs To The Lord" Conference - Chapter 8 from Schizophrenia Defeated

When The Nest Of Demons Of Schizophrenia Get The Message You Mean Business In Driving Them Out
     24 JUNE Boldly Pleading The Blood Of Christ Hastens Your Schizophrenia Deliverance
17 JUNE 
A Strong Devotional Life With Jesus Christ Releases Power To Defeat Schizophrenia

10 JUNE 
The Wedding Day Spills Over With Rejoicing

3 JUNE "
Delivered And Healed Within Minutes" (Extract Of Chapter 9 From Schizophrenia Defeated)

27 MAY 
"I Greatly Admire Schizophrenics Pushing Through To Full Freedom"

20 MAY 
Assert The Ownership Of Jesus Christ Over Your Life To Every Demonic Voice

13 MAY 
The Indwelling Spirit Of Jesus Christ Will Not Allow You To Quit

6 MAY "
That Chair - The Happening Place". Guest writer Peter Laue

29 APR 
God's Guiding Hand Is Mighty As You Fight Schizophrenia's Untried Way

22 APR
 Overcoming Your Reluctance To Make A Friend Help You Through Schizophrenia Could Well Lead To Freedom

8 & 15 APR Celebrate The Risen Life Of Jesus Each Day - Not Just At Easter
1 APR 
He's Alive, He's Alive, He Is Risen!!

25 MAR 
Jesus Our Chief Intercessor - part 2 by guest writer Apostle Aloysius Kiiza

18 MAR
 Jesus Our Chief Intercessor, by guest writer Apostle Aloysius Kiiza
11 MAR Prevent Your Heart And Mind Becoming Cold In Its Love To The Lord Jesus Christ

4 MAR 
Believe That The Lord Jesus Christ Forever Lives To Make Intercession In Heaven For You!

25 FEB 
Possessing The Power Of Precious Faith Equips You To Defeat Schizophrenia

18 FEB 
A Lifetime Valentine And Deliverance Minister Rolled Into One

11 FEB 
Be Determined To Try For Victory Over Schizophrenia At Any Cost

4 FEB 
When Is The Whole Of The Church Of Jesus Christ - And Not Just A Part ...

28 JAN 
Prayer Power Breaking Through Schizophrenia's "Gates Of Brass And Bars Of Iron"

21 JAN 
Boldly Pleading The Blood Of Jesus Christ Hastens Your Schizophrenia Deliverance

14 JAN 
Becoming Free Ends All The Grief You Suffered With Schizophrenia

 Thirty Years Off All Anti-Psychotic Medication....


31 DEC Jesus Christ Is Your Freedom Out Of Schizophrenia In 2018 Into His Fulness Of Life
17 & 24 DEC
 Jesus Christ said:  “You are from below;  I am from above....."
3 & 10 DEC A Personal Message To Those Helping Christian Schizophrenics Into Freedom
26 NOV
 Delivered And Healed Within Minutes - Extract From Chapter 9 Of Schizophrenia Defeated

19 NOV 
God's Victory Over Schizophrenia Was Purchased On Calvary's Cross For You

12 NOV 
Fixing Your Eyes On The Lord Jesus Christ - Instead Of Schizophrenia - Results In Total Freedom Over The Bondage

5 NOV 
Learning How To Pray In The Power Of The Holy Spirit

29 OCT 
Believe That The Lord Jesus Christ For Ever Lives To Make Intercession in Heaven For YOU!

22 OCT 
Boldly Pleading The Blood Of Christ Hastens Your Schizophrenia Deliverance

15 OCT
 The Power Of Effective Prayer (Part 2) by Guest Writer Apostle Aloysius Kiiza

 The Power Of Effective Prayer (Part 1) by Guest Writer Apostle Aloysius Kiiza

24 SEP & 1 OCT 
How To Prevent Schizophrenia Disintegrating Your Personality

17 SEP 
Delivered And Healed Within Minutes

10 SEP 
God's Faithfulness Becoming Your Shield And Rampart

3 SEP 
The Power Of God's Love Setting A Schizophrenic Totally Free

27 AUG 
Finding God As Your Refuge And Fortress Equips You To Defeat Schizophrenia

20 AUG 
Falling In Love With The Lord Jesus Christ Defeats The Madness Of Schizophrenia

13 AUG 
Why Does It Take So Long For A Christian To Battle Through Schizophrenia On Their Own

6 AUG 
From Only One Position Is It Safe To Approach And Resist Satan

30 JUL 
Be Aware When The Powers Of Darkness Are Falling Back

23 JUL 
Put On The Helmet Of Salvation For Protection

16 JUL 
Trusting In Jesus With All Your Heart Will Keep Your Sanity And Win Freedom
9 JUL Only The Power Of The Holy Spirit Is Strong Enough To Drive Out And Defeat The Voices Of Schizophrenia
 The Light Of The Life Of Jesus Christ Is The Strong Deliverer From Schizophrenia
     18 & 25 JUN The Faith Strategy God Gave Me To Defeat The Voices Of Schizophrenia
11 JUN 
Take Hold Of The Word Of God For Mastery of Your Thoughts

4 JUN 
Why The Church Needs A Fresh Touch Of Pentecost To Rescue Christians From Schizophrenia

28 MAY 
Learning How To Pray In The Power Of The Holy Spirit

21 MAY 
Becoming Free Ends All The Grief You Suffered With Schizophrenia

14 MAY 
Discover The Preciousness Of Faith In Your Pursuit Of Freedom

7 MAY 
Delivered And Healed Within Minutes (Chapter 9 from Schizophrenia Defeated by James Stacey)

30 APR 
How To Survive When Schizophrenia Threatens To Steal Your Mind

23 APR 
The Power Of God's Love - Celebrated In Jesus Christ at Easter And Every Day - Setting a Schizophrenic Totally Free 

9 & 16 APR 
He's Alive, He's Alive, He Is Risen!!

2 APR 
Assert The Ownership Of Jesus Christ Over Your Life This Eastertime To Every Demonic Voice

26 MAR 
God's Victory Over Schizophrenia Was Purchased On Calvary's Cross For You!

19 MAR 
As Easter Approaches We Tell It Out To The World: "Jesus Christ Has Defeated Schizophrenia"

5 & 12 MAR 
Why Does The Church Trust The Psychiatrist More Than Jesus Christ In Helping Mental Captives

19 & 26 FEB 
The Faith Strategy God Gave Me To Defeat The Voices Of Schizophrenia

5 & 12 FEB
 Allow No Place Where Satan Can Say He Was Too Much For You
22 & 29 JAN The Light Of The Life Of Jesus Is The Strong Deliverer Of Schizophrenia
15 JAN Meeting God Early Will keep Advancing Your Fight To Become Free Of Schizophrenia
 Anchor Your Faith In The Lord Jesus Christ And You Will Never Lose Hope

 Jesus Is Your Freedom Out Of Schizophrenia In 2017 Into His Fullness Of Life


18 & 25 DEC It's Real Hope Jesus Christ Gives At Christmas And New Year In Defeating Schizophrenia
11 DEC
Enforce The Victory Of Jesus Christ On Calvary By Prayer Warfare

How Tina Got Through 25 Years Of Marriage After My Healing Of 26 Years Of Schizophrenia

27 NOV
The Indwelling Spirit Of Jesus Christ Will Not Allow You To Quit

13 & 20 NOV
Persevering In Faith, Prayer And God's Word Drives Out The Demon Of Schizophrenia

"Crawling On My Belly In The Principal's Study" - Chapter 5 of Schizophrenia Defeated by James Stacey

30 OCT
"There Is Hope For The Schizohprenic" - Chapter 16 of Schizophrenia Defeated by James Stacey

23 OCT
"Passivity Begins To Lose Its Hold" - Chapter 12 of Schizophrenia Defeated by James Stacey

9 & 16 OCT
My Prayer Has Power With God

I Sought The Lord And He Answered Me; He Delivered Me From All My Fears

25 SEP
A Personal Message To Those Helping Christian Schizophrenics Into Freedom

18 SEP
"I Greatly Admire Schizophrenics Pressing Through To Full Freedom..."

4 & 11 SEP
Praying Thoughts Of Freedom From Your Heart To Release Your Mind

28 AUG
Jesus Christ Gives Both Encouragement And Endurance As You Fight To Defeat Schizophrenia

21 AUG
Trusting In Jesus With All Your Heart Will Keep Your Sanity And Win Freedom

14 AUG
Without The Vision From God Of Tina In A Bridal Gown, I Would Have Let Her Go

7 AUG Praising God Is A Mighty Weapon In Driving Out Schizophrenia
24 & 31 JUL
God Specialises In Things Thought Impossible - Nothing Is Too Hard For Him!

17 JUL The Faith Strategy God Gave Me To Defeat The Voices Of Schizophrenia
10 JUL
"When I Found Freedom From Schizophrenia I Gained Christ Himself" - Bethany Behney

Defeat Schizophrenia By Defeating The Voices
     26 JUN Meeting God Early Will Keep Advancing Your Fight To Become Free
19 JUN
When Enough People Pray Enough Time Your Deliverance From Schizophrenia Is Near

12 JUN
How To Survive When Schizophrenia Threatens To Steal Your Mind

The Faith By Which You See Christ Inspires Hope To Conquer And Love To Endure

29 MAY The Powerful Resources To Defeat Schizophrenia Are Found In Jesus Christ And Not In Any "Alternative Approach"
22 MAY
How To Prevent Schizophrenia Disintegrating Your Personality

15 MAY
Why The Church Needs A Fresh Touch Of Pentecost To Rescue Christians From Schizophrenia

"This One Thing I Know - Jesu's Love Never Failed Me Yet!!"

God Can Free You Of Schizophrenia And Restore All Your Lost Years

24 APR
A Strong Devotional Life With Jesus Christ Releases Power To Defeat Schizophrenia

17 APR
What A Transformation When A Schizophrenic Knows God Is Reviving His Heart!

3 & 10 APR
Celebrate The Risen Life of Jesus Each Day - Not Just At Easter

27 MAR
He's Alive, He's Alive, He Is Risen!!

20 MAR
Forgiveness Is The Primary Weapon For Breaking Bondages Of Darkness

13 MAR
Falling In Love With The Lord Jesus Christ Defeats The Madness Of Schizophrenia

As Easter Approaches We Tell It Out To The World: "Jesus Christ Has Defeated Schizophrenia"

28 FEB
When The Lord Jesus Christ Makes You A Promise Expect It To Be Fulfilled

21 FEB
Anchor Your Faith In Jesus Christ And You Will Never Lose Hope

14 FEB
The Wedding Day Spills Over With Rejoicing (Chapter 10 from Schizophrenia Defeated)

A Personal Message To Those Helping Christian Schizophrenics Into Freedom

31 JAN
Assert The Ownership of Jesus Christ Over Your Life To Every Demonic Voice

24 JAN
"The Battle Belongs To The Lord" Conference - From James' Book Schizophrenia Defeated

17 JAN
The Evil Spirit of Schizophrenia Must Be Driven Out By You - Or Someone Else!

10 JAN
Why The Church Needs A Fresh Touch Of Pentecost To Rescue Christians From Schizophrenia

God's Healing Lasts! Still Free And 28 Years Off All Psychotic Medication


20 & 27 DEC It's Real Hope Jesus Christ Gives At Christmas And New Year In Defeating Schizophrenia
13 DEC
Jesus Only - And His Wondrous Love - is The Reason For The Season

Jesus Said: "I Am The Way And The Truth And The Life"

29 NOV
How To Survive When Schizophrenia Threatens To Steal Your Mind

22 NOV
God Specializes In Things Thought Impossible - Nothing is Too Hard For Him

15 NOV
Passivity Begins To Lose Its Hold (Chapter 12: Schizophrenia Defeated)

The Indwelling Spirit Of Jesus Christ Will Not Allow You To Quit

"There Is Hope For The Schizophrenic
" Chapter 16 from Schizophrenia Defeated

25 OCT
Believe That The Lord Jesus Christ For Ever Lives To Make Intercession In Heaven For You

18 OCT
Put On The Helmet Of Salvation For Protection

11 OCT
Praying In The Name Of Christ And According To The Will Of God

4 OCT "
Triumphant Faith" by the late Pastor W. T. H. Richards

27 SEP Be Determined To Try For Victory Over Schizophrenia At Any Cost
20 SEP
Hide Yourself Away With God And Receive Strength To Defeat Schizophrenia

13 SEP
A Personal Message To Those Helping Christian Schizophrenics Into Freedom

Your Quest For Freedom Increases Each Day As You Advance In the Stronghold Of God's Love

30 AUG
The Light of The Life of Jesus Is The Strong Deliverer From Schizophrenia

16 & 23 AUG
Fighting For My Sanity Was A Life-And-Death Struggle - Peter Laue

Take Hold Of The Word Of God For Mastery Of Your Thoughts

Persevering In Faith, Prayer And God's Word Drives Out The Demon Of Schizophrenia

Meeting God Early Will Keep Advancing Your Fight To Become Free

Delivered From "Incurable" Schizophrenia - An Amazing Testimony

"When I Found Freedom From Schizophrenia I Gained Christ Himself" - Bethany Behney

God's Healing Lasts! Still Free And Over 27 Years Off All Medication
   28 JUNE Becoming Free Ends All The Grief You Suffered With Schizophrenia
A Personal Message To Those Helping Schizophrenics Into Freedom

Learning How To Pray In The Power of The Holy Spirit

Boldly Pleading The Blood Of Jesus Hastens Your
Schizophrenia Deliverance

31 MAY
Praising God Is A Mighty Weapon In Driving Out Schizophrenia

24 MAY
Overcoming Your Reluctance To Make A Friend Could Lead To Your Freedom

17 MAY
Discover The Preciousness Of Faith In Your Pursuit Of Freedom

3 & 10 MAY
The Lord Jesus Christ - God Of Glory - Did It!

26 APR
Prayer Power Breaking Through Schizophrenia's "Gates Of Brass And Bars Of Iron"

19 APR
Exercising Faith In God Writes His Laws In Both Mind And Heart

12 APR
Celebrate The Risen Life of Jesus Each Day - Not Just At Easter

29 MAR & 5 APR
He's Alive, He's Alive, He Is Risen!!

22 MAR
As Easter Approaches, We Tell It Out To The World:
Jesus Christ Has Defeated Schizophrenia

15 MAR
Allow God To Free Your Tightly Closed Mind To The Schizophrenia Deliverance

Possessing The Power Of Precious Faith Equips You To Defeat Schizophrenia

Faith Is Rising In God's People To Love Schizophrenics Into Freedom

22 FEB
When Enough People Pray Enough Time Your Deliverance From Schizophrenia Is Near

15 FEB
Trusting In Jesus With All Your Heart Will Keep Your Sanity And Win Freedom

Defeat Schizophrenia By Defeating The Voices

Boldly Pleading The Blood Of Jesus Hastens Your Schizophrenia Deliverance (2)

25 JAN
What A Transformation When A Schizophrenic Knows God Is Reviving His Heart!

18 JAN
"Jesus - Look To Your Faithfulness And Set me Free!!"

11 JAN
How To Prevent Schizophrenia Disintegrating Your Personality

Falling Madly In Love With Jesus Christ In 2015 WILL DEFEAT The Madness Of Schizophrenia


21 & 28 DEC It's Real Hope Jesus Christ Gives At Christmas And New Year In Defeating Schizophrenia
14 DEC
Jesus Only - And His Wondrous Love - Is The Reason For The Season

Meeting God Early Will Keep Advancing Your Fight To Become Free

30 NOV
God Can Free You Of Schizophrenia And Restore All Your Lost Years

23 NOV
The Power of God's Love Setting A Schizophrenic Totally Free

16 NOV
The Faith By Which You See Christ Inspires Hope To Conquer And Love To Endure

How To Survive When Schizophrenia Threatens To Steal Your Mind

Jesus Imparts His Divine Light And Truth To Conquer Schizophrenia

26 OCT
Anchor Your Faith In Jesus Christ And You Will Never Lose Hope

19 OCT
Forgiveness is The Primary Weapon For Breaking Bondages Of Darkness

12 OCT
How Tina Got Through 23 Years Of Marriage After My Healing

28 SEP & 5 OCT
- Look To Your Faithfulness And Set me Free!!"

21 SEP "This One Thing I Know: Jesu's Love Never Failed me Yet!!"
14 SEP
How To Survive When Schizophrenia Threatens to Steal Your Mind

How Taking Palliative Drugs Can Inflict Damage On Your Natural Mind

31 AUG
Speaking In Tongues Is A Powerful Weapon In Driving Out The Schizophrenia Demon

24 AUG The Faith Strategy God Gave Me To Defeat The Voices Of Schizophrenia
17 AUG
God's Guiding Hand Is Mighty As You Fight Schizophrenia's Untried Way

10 AUG
God's Victory Over Schizophrenia Was Purchased On Calvary's Cross For You!

27 JULY & 3 AUG
What A Transformation When A Schizophrenic Knows God Is Reviving His Heart

The Powerful Resources To Defeat Schizophrenia Are Found In Jesus Christ And Not In Any "Alternative Approach"

Let's Get To Grips With The Real Nature Of These Voices That "Steal And Kill And Destroy"

Unmasking The New But Inadequate Treatment Of Dealing With Voices Heard By Schizophrenics

29 JUNE Lord Give Us More Psychiatrists Who Love You And Have Your Perspective On Life
15 & 22 JUNE "
Lord My Deliverer, I Cry Out To You Again And Again"

  8 JUNE Why The Church Needs A Fresh Touch of Pentecost To Rescue Christians From Schizophrenia
Why Does The Church Trust The Psychiatrist More Than Jesus Christ In Helping Mental Captives?

25 MAY
Learning How To Pray In The Power Of The Holy Spirit

18 MAY
The Evil Spirit Of Schizophrenia Must Be Driven Out - By You Or Someone Else!

11 MAY
A Strong Devotional Life With Jesus Releases Power To Defeat Schizophrenia

Celebrate The Risen Life of Jesus Every Day - Not Just At Easter

20 & 27 APRIL
He's Alive, He's alive, He Is Risen!!

13 APR
Fighting For My Sanity Was A Life-and-Death Struggle"
by Peter Laue
Take Hold Of The Word Of God For Mastery Of Your Thoughts

30 MAR
Persevering In Faith, Prayer And God's Word Drives Out The Demon Of Schizophrenia

16 & 23 MAR
Becoming Free Ends All The Grief You Suffered With Schizophrenia

Praying Thoughts of Freedom From Your Heart To Release Your Mind

Jesus Christ Gives Both Encouragement And Endurance As You Fight Schizophrenia

23 FEB
My Prayer Has Power With God

16 FEB
I Sought The Lord And He Answered Me; He Delivered me From All My Fears

A Personal Message To Those Helping Christian Schizophrenics Into Freedom

Assert The Ownership Of Jesus Over Your Life To Every Demonic Voice

26 JAN Speaking In Tongues Is A Powerful Weapon In Driving Out The Schizophrenia Demon
19 JAN
God's Healing Lasts! Still Free And 26 Years Off All Medication

12 JAN The Faith Strategy God Gave Me To Defeat The Voices Of Schizophrenia
Praying In The Name Of Christ And According To The Will Of God


22 & 29 DEC Jesus Only - And His Wondrous Love - Is The Reason For The Season
15 DEC Stirred As I Watched Nelson Mandela Walking To Freedom

1 & 8 DEC Delivered From Incurable Schizophrenia - An Amazing Testimony

Also see a video clip of the testimony here
24 NOV The Wedding Day Spills Over With Rejoicing (Chapter 10 from Schizophrenia Defeated)

17 NOV Discover The Preciousness Of Faith In your Pursuit Of Freedom

10 NOV Delivered And Healed Within Minutes (extract from Schizophrenia Defeated)

3 NOV It's Real Hope Jesus Gives In Defeating Schizophrenia

27 OCT Jesus, Look To Your Faithfulness And Set Me Free
20 OCT Praying In The Spirit by R A Torrey

13 OCT How To Prevent Schizophrenia Disintegrating Your Personality

6 OCT The Evil Spirit Of Schizophrenia Must Be Driven Out - By You Or Someone Else!!

29 SEP The Faith By Which You See Christ Inspires Hope To Conquer And Love To Endure

22 SEP God Specializes In Things Thought Impossible - Nothing Is Too Hard For Him

15 SEP "The Plight Of The Mentally Ill In Society - Including Church Society" by Murray Dennett

8 SEP Learning How To Pray In The Power Of The Holy Spirit

1 SEP Praising God Is A Mighty Weapon In Driving Out Schizophrenia

25 AUG Jesus Imparts His Divine Light And Truth To Conquer Schizophrenia

18 AUG Exercising Faith In God Writes His Laws Into Both Mind And Heart

4 & 11 AUG A Strong Devotional Life With Jesus Releases Power To Defeat Schizophrenia

21 & 28 JULY Allow God To Free Your Tightly Closed Mind To The Schizophrenia Deliverance

14 JULY Why Does The Church Trust The Psychiatrist More Than Jesus In Helping Mental Captives

7 JULY Prayer Power Breaking Through Schizophrenia's "Gates Of Brass And Bars Of Iron"
    30 JUNE Falling Madly In Love With Jesus Defeats The Madness Of Schizophrenia
23 JUNE Anchor Your Faith In Jesus Christ And You Will Never Lose Hope

16 JUNE Trusting In Jesus With All Your Heart Will Keep Your Sanity And Win Freedom
9 JUNE How To Survive When Schizophrenia Threatens To Steal Your Mind
26 MAY & 2 JUNE Meeting God Early Will Keep Advancing Your Fight To Becoming Free

19 MAY Prayer Power Breaking Through Schizophrenia's "Gates Of Brass And Bars Of Iron"

12 MAY Persevering In Faith To The End

5 MAY Freedom "Breaks Out" In Mind And Spirit When Jesus Drives Schizophrenia Out

28 APR God's Guiding Hand Is Mighty As You Fight Schizophrenia's Untried Way

21 APR When To Pray by R A Torrey

14 APR
Be Aware When The Powers Of Darkness Are Falling Back

7 APR Celebrate The Risen Life Of Jesus Each Day - Not Just At Easter


24 MAR The Indwelling Spirit Of Jesus Will Not Allow You To Quit

17 MAR Overcoming Your Reluctance To Make A Friend Could Lead To Your Freedom

3 & 10 MAR Praising God Is A Mighty Weapon In Driving Out Schizophrenia

24 FEB Boldly Pleading The Blood of Christ Hastens Your Schizophrenia Deliverance (2)

17 FEB Hide Yourself Away With God And Receive Strength To Defeat Schizophrenia

10 FEB Defeat Schizophrenia By Defeating The Voices

27 JAN & 3 FEB The Power of God's Love Setting A Schizophrenic Totally Free

13 & 20 JAN "Forgiveness Is The Primary Weapon For Breaking Bondages Of Darkness"

6 JAN Jesus Is Your Freedom Out Of Schizophrenia Into His Fulness Of Life


23 & 30 DEC Jesus Said "I Am The Way And The Truth And The Life"
16 DEC
Jesus Says: I Will Give You My Power To Love The Way I Love
Jesus Only - And His Wondrous Love - Is The Reason For The Season
18, 25 NOV & 2 DEC
When I Found Freedom From Schizophrenia, I Gained Christ Himself

11 NOV How Tina Got Through 21 Years Of Marriage After My Healing
4 NOV Keeping Hope Alive To Defeat Schizophrenia
28 OCT When Enough People Pray Enough Time Your Deliverance From Schizophrenia Is Near
21 OCT Allow No Place Where Satan Can Say He Was Too Much for You
14 OCT How To Prevent Schizophrenia Disintegrating Your Personality
7 OCT Praying In The Name Of Christ And According To The Will Of God
30 SEP Assert The Ownership Of Jesus Over Your Life To Every Demonic Voice
23 SEP "Lord, My Deliverer, I Cry Out To You Again And Again"
16 SEP "I Greatly Admire Schizophrenics Pressing Through To Full Freedom"
9 SEP Falling Madly In Love With Jesus Defeats The Madness Of Schizophrenia
2 SEP God's Guiding Hand is Mighty As You Fight Schizophernia's Untried Way
26 AUG Hide Yourself Away With God And Receive The Strength To Defeat Schizophrenia
19 AUG "In Search of Sanity" by Peter Laue
12 AUG Know Your Authority In Jesus Before Expelling The Demon of Schizophrenia
29 JULY & 5 AUG "This One Thing I Know - Jesu's Love Never Failed Me Yet!!"
22 JULY A Personal Message To Those Helping Schizophrenics Into Freedom
15 JULY Discover The Preciousness of Faith In Your Pursuit Of Freedom
8 JULY "Jesus - Look To Your Faithfulness And Set Me Free!!"
1 July Prayer Power Breaking Through Schizophrenia's "Gates Of Brass And Bars Of Iron"
     24 JUNE The Faith By Which You See Christ Inspires Hope to Conquer And Love To Endure
17 JUNE Faith Is Rising In God's People To Love Schizophrenics Into Freedom
10 JUNE The Evil Spirit Of Schizophrenia Must Be Driven Out - By You Or Someone Else
Exercising Faith In God Writes His Laws Into Both Mind And Heart

27 MAY Possessing The Power Of Precious Faith Equips You To Defeat Schizophrenia
20 MAY "When To Pray" by R. A. Torrey
13 MAY Jesus Christ Gives Both Encouragement And Endurance As You Fight Schizophrenia
6 May TBN (EUROPE): James Interview: Schizophrenia Deliverance & Healing Through The Power of Jesus Christ
29 APR Jesus Christ Gives The Rest of Faith As You Fight To Overcome Schizophrenia
22 APR It's Real Hope Jesus Gives In Defeating Schizophrenia
15 APR Celebrate The Risen Life Of Jesus Each Day - Not Just At Easter
8 APR He's Alive, He's Alive, He Is Risen!!
1 APR Enforce The Victory Of Jesus On Calvary By Prayer Warfare
25 MAR Praying With Thanksgiving
18 MAR Learning How To Pray In The Power of The Holy Spirit
4 & 11 MAR "God Specializes In Things Thought Impossible - Nothing is Too Hard For Him!!"
26 FEB Why Does The Church Trust The Psychiatrist More Than Jesus In Helping Mental Captives
19 Feb Becoming Free Ends All The Grief You Suffered With Schizophrenia
5 & 12 Feb Praying Thoughts Of Freedom From Your Heart To Release Your Mind
29 Jan A Strong Devotional Life With Jesus Releases Power To Defeat Schizophrenia
22 Jan Hide Yourself Away With God And Receive Strength To Defeat Schizophrenia
15 Jan The Mind Of The Spirit Overcoming The Schizophrenic Mind
8 Jan Praying In the Name Of Christ And According To The Will Of God


25 DEC 11 & 1 Jan 12  Jesus Only - And His Wondrous Love - Is The Reason For The Season
18 DECEMBER Look Beyond Christmas To The Triumph Of Jesus On The Cross
11 DECEMBER Falling Madly In Love With Jesus Defeats The Madness Of Schizophrenia
4 DECEMBER Tell It Out To The World - "Jesus Christ Has Defeated Schizophrenia!!"
27 NOVEMBER Prayer Power Breaking Through Schizophrenia's "Gates Of Brass And Bars Of Iron"
20 NOVEMBER Praising God Is A Mighty Weapon In Driving Out Schizophrenia
13 NOVEMBER A Personal Message To Those Helping Christian Schizophrenics Into Freedom
6 NOVEMBER Jesus Imparts His Divine Light And Truth To Conquer Schizophrenia
30 OCTOBER Faith In Jesus Releasing His Life, Authority And Power To Set You Free
23 OCTOBER Persevering in Faith, Prayer And God's Word Drives Out The Demon Of Schizophrenia
16 OCTOBER The Faith By Which You See Christ Inspires Hope To Conquer And Love To Endure
9 OCTOBER "Lord, My Deliverer, I Cry Out To You Again And Again"
2 OCTOBER Put On The Helmet Of Salvation For Protection
25 SEPTEMBER God's Guiding Hand Is Mighty as You Fight Schizophrenia's Untried Way
18 SEPTEMBER Keep On Exercising Faith When You Do Not Feel The Presence of God
11 SEPTEMBER Assert The Ownership of Jesus Over Your Life To Every Demonic Voice
4 SEPTEMBER Taking On The Light Yoke of Jesus Helps Defeat The Burden Of Schizophrenia
28 AUGUST The Bible Inspires Faith To Keep Hope Alive To Defeat Schizophrenia
21 AUGUST Meeting God Early Will Keep Advancing Your Fight To Become Free
14 AUGUST Persevere In Seeing The Face Of Jesus as You Battle Through To Freedom
7 AUGUST In The Bible Hope Is Not Wishful Thinking But Firm Conviction
24 & 31 JULY When Enough People Pray Enough Time Your Deliverance From Schizophrenia Is Near
17 JULY Allow No Place Where Satan Can Say He Was Too Much For You
10 JULY Persevere In Faith and Prayer When The Load Of Schizophrenia Wearies You
3 JULY Boldly Pleading The Blood Of Jesus Hastens Your Schizophrenia Deliverance (2)
26 JUNE Following Jesus Imparts Light and Truth Powerful In Defeating Schizophrenia
19 JUNE Esteem Proven Medical Therapy But Look Only To Jesus For Your Freedom
12 JUNE Let The Power Of Pentecost Fill You In Your Desire To Be Set Free
5 JUNE Faith In Jesus Releases Power Strong Enough To Deliver And Heal
29 MAY "You Will Receive Power When The Holy Spirit Comes On You" Said Jesus
22 MAY Allow God To Free Your Tightly Closed Mind To The Schizophrenia Deleiverance
15 MAY Discover The Preciousness Of Faith In Your Pursuit Of Freedom
8 MAY The Discipline Of Meditation Is Powerful In Defeating Schizophrenia
1 MAY Schizophrenia Was Defeated When Jesus Died At Calvary
17 & 24 APR He's Alive, He's Alive, He Is Risen!!
10 APR How To Resist Satan In The Name Of The Lord
3 APR Pleading Prayer Support Of Others Will Hasten Your Defeat Of Schizophrenia
27 MAR Dwelling In God's Light Will Reveal The Darkness of Schizophrenia
20 MAR How To get Refreshing Sleep Instead Of Endless Galloping Thoughts
13 MAR How Taking Palliative Drugs Can Inflict Damage On Your Natural Mind
6 MAR Pleading The Blood Of Jesus Hastens The Defeat Of Schizophrenia
27 FEB Never Minimise The Prayers Of Others Helping You Defeat schizophrenia
20 FEB God Can Free You Of Schizophrenia And Restore All Your Lost Years
13 FEB Praising God and Declaring His Glory Will Conquer The Demon Of Schizophrenia
6 FEB Let The Power of The Cross Where Jesus Died Grip You As You Read The Bible
30 JAN Defeat Schizophrenia by Defeating the Voices
23 JAN Praying the Word of God into Your Life will Dynamite the Schizophrenia Demon Out for Good
16 JAN Let the Word of God Dwell in You in All Wisdom and You Will Defeat Schizophrenia
9 JAN Defeat The Spiritual Darkness Of Schizophrenia By Knowing And Using The Word Of God


26 DEC & 2 JAN Celebrate Christmas and the New Year with the Healing Presence of Jesus
19 DEC It is Ignorance and Fear About The Demonic That Delays Your Freedom from Schizophrenia
12 DEC Sharing the Vision of a Healing Rescue Home in the UK For Christian Schizophrenics
5 Dec God's Strong Hand is Holding You Fast And Will Not Let You Go
28 NOV Use the Power of the Weapon of Prayer with Faith's Authority that Commands As Well As Asks
14 & 21 NOV Discover the Preciousness of Faith in Your Pursuit of Freedom
7 NOV Every Schizophrenic Needs to Know the Transforming Love of Jesus
31 OCT How To Pray Effectively for the Protection and Freeing of Your Mind
17 & 24 OCT The Power of God will help Keep Your Sanity and Break Free of Schizophrenia
10 OCT Hide Yourself Away With God and Receive Strength to Defeat Schizophrenia
3 OCT Reach Out and Trust a Christian Friend to Pray for You to be Delivered
26 SEPT Know your Authority in Jesus before Expelling the Demon of Schizophrenia
19 SEPT The Light of the Life of the Lord Jesus is the Strong Deliverer of Schizophrenia
12 SEPT Away with the Stigma of Talking About Having Schizophrenia
5 SEPT The Power of God’s Love Setting a Schizophrenic Totally Free
29 AUG Getting to Know the God of the Bible Personally
15 & 22 AUG 'I Had a Dream' by Peter Laue
8 AUG Overcoming Fear about Schizophrenia in the Church
1 AUG How to Find a Resting Place with God in Prayer as You Fight to Become Free
25 JULY Should I Come Off All My Medication, Or Not?
18 JULY The Mind of the Spirit Overcoming the Schizophrenic Mind
11 JULY The Day You Can’t Go On Any Longer, Jesus Sets You Free
4 JULY After Deliverance from Schizophrenia, What Next?
27 JUNE Keeping Hold of God in the Difficult Times
20 JUNE Persevering in Faith, Prayer and God’s Word drives out the Demon of Schizophrenia
13 JUNE How God Can Use the Affliction of Schizophrenia and Bring Hope to Others
6 JUNE Defeat Schizophrenia by Defeating the Voices
23 & 30 MAY Knowing God’s Grace Enables You to Battle Through to Freedom in Jesus
16 MAY Defeat the Demon of Schizophrenia by Becoming Powerful in Prevailing Prayer
9 MAY United Prayer Breaking Through the Bars of Iron and Gates of Brass Around the Mind (TBN)
2 MAY Calling Out to God on Your Own Psalm 4 1-8
25 APR Defeat Schizophrenia in Your Mind Through the Mighty Power of Jesus in Your Heart
18 APR In The Bible, Hope is not Wishful Thinking But Firm Conviction
28 MAR Earnestly Desiring the Grace of God Strengthens You to Defeat Schizophrenia
21 MAR How to Resist and Defeat the Destructive Voices of Schizophrenia
7 MAR How Fasting Added to Prayer Aids the Breakthrough to Freedom of Schizophrenia
28 FEB Does Every Schizophrenic Need a Deliverance Minister?
21 FEB The Kind of Specific Praying that Unseats the Demon of Schizophrenia
14 FEB Becoming Desperate in Prayer to Defeat Schizophrenia
7 FEB Arise and Pray Yourself Out of Schizophrenia!!
31 JAN Defeat the Demon of Schizophrenia by Becoming Powerful in Prevailing Prayer
24 JAN Never Ever, No Never, Be Convinced By Voices It is Time to Quit
17 JAN Jesus is Waiting to Hear Your Cry for Help, His Response Will Be to Deliver
10 JAN Your Quest for Freedom Increases Each Day As You Advance in the Stronghold of God’s Love
3 JAN This Year Could Be Your Time to be Free of Schizophrenia